tisdag, januari 27, 2004

Wow, imagine this.... your computer monitors your feelings...

...there is actually research going on... take a look at this... ScienceDaily News Release: What If A Personal Computer Knew How Its User Is Feeling? Desktop Computers To Counsel Users To Make Better Decisions. As Malin says in her blog about this "You beautiful new world". I do not know what I think... scary maybe???

lördag, januari 24, 2004

# 4 Tims bok by Per Planhammar

Finished this one today, a lovely read about an author and his young son. Daniel, the author, tries to recollect his life, put pieces together and leave some - he needs to go on with his life after a difficult divorce. You'll find it here.
You can read more about Per Planhammar here.

Unhealthy food...

A guy, Spurlock, ate only McDonald's food for 30 days... this is the result as I read it at Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things. Some how I knew it, good old McD tries to advertise themselves as healthy, I do not recommend this diet... Still I do love an occasional burger, here in Sweden can you get them along with mini carrots and skip the french fries...

Spoke to my mum today, apparently she and my dad is dieting - cutting down on fats and sugar. Good! Me and my sister-in-law are spurring each other to choose a healtier lifestyle... I need to make sure I won't add those kilos I lost during the last years WeightWatching..... Still I do eat much better now...

fredag, januari 23, 2004

What Famous Leader Am I?

I couldn't resist trying this one also.... which one are you??

What classic movie am I?

one word. so little time.

A place to challenge your creativity, imagination, wittiness.... you get one word....write about it in 60 seconds... post it...read what others have wrote. I will definitely go here often... I need to practice my writing ability.... Go to it:one word. so little time.

I found this today - Tracey Marshall knows Swedish and isn't afraid to ask

Tracey Marshall discusses swedish words in english... really funny and interesting. Have a look!

torsdag, januari 22, 2004

My blog has got a whole new look....

please tell me what you think and report any bugs....

How do I separate the datelinks in Archives???

This is a skin designed by maystar - see credits.
I found it at BlogSkins.

tisdag, januari 20, 2004

BookCrossing.com (Anders Jacobsen's blog)

A link for you guys who would like some short info about BookCrossing.... you'll find it here at BookCrossing.com (Anders Jacobsen's blog)

NetLingo and The Invisible Web

Malin finds as usual lots of interesting resources, this blog is in swedish but do try the links.... Malins blog: Nätspråk

Comments is up and going again...

Now it is powered by HaloScan! I have also made some changes to the template. Please give me input... what needs changing?

Wild Release #4

An art gallery owner here in Göteborg has set up an OBCZ (Official BookCrossing Zone) so I went there today to check it out. Unfortunately it was closed today, the art shown looked interesting enough though and I spotted some BookCrossing books! I popped this one through the mailslot: Mina drömmars stad by Per Anders Fogelström

Wild Release #3

At the local surgerys waitingroom I left this book: Mellan ebb och flod by Rosamunde Pilcher, I had to discretely put it behind me in the chair as I went for my appointment. I don't think the other woman in the waitingroom spotted me :-S

söndag, januari 18, 2004

Wild Release #2

As a part of SSM13 (what that is you'll have to find out on bookcrossing) I released this one... it was fun to watch the girls grab it so quickly.... kids are not shy that's for sure.... I wish we adults would be a bit more daring sometimes.... Read more about it here: Pias första långritt by Eva Berggren

BlogSpeak - the provider of my comments feature

has ended and is taken over by Halo-something ;-), I will activate it as soon as I have time.

fredag, januari 16, 2004

Awsome chalk drawings...

While I was searching for Swedish blogs with references to BookCrossing I found these pictures. They makes you wonder about perspectives and reality.... (I found the link at Martin Bagges blog )

About finding my way back to daylife...

Me and my friend Mari has worked hard on this one and I do get to bed earlier now.... strangely (or maybe naturally) my creativity has increased.... I dunno why.....

Wild Release #1

A week ago, I released "Dubbelsäng i Danmark" by Maria Lang at the restroom at Salong Noblesse in Gothenburg. I have got one wild catch there before so I keep my fingers crossed....
Usually does the books I release there go within half an hour, not so with this one.... still I am very curious....

#3 The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

This book is the best book I've read so far this year (find it at amazon.com).
14-year-old Susie Salmon was murdered and as a reader you get to follow her watching her family, friends AND murderer from heaven. It is a lovely and warm book, and it is quite hard to quit reading once youv'e got it in your hands.

Now I am back again...

onsdag, januari 14, 2004

Problems with my connection

Just a piece of information for those who are missing me around... I will be back but my Internet Connection is not working but.... see ya soon!

onsdag, januari 07, 2004


Well I think this is the thing.... the link to BlogStreet at the end of the page???

Please comment on this... is it working or not?

RSS-feed for this blog

You can copy and add the feed URL to your RSS Aggregator: http://feeds.blogstreet.com/36677.rss

If you have any suggestions how to do this in a better way... please tell me!

I have now linked my blog to BlogMatrix

You can find more about BlogMatrix here.

I don't know if I agree but this is the results I got from a Word Association test

I have issues with...
Take Word Association Test

tisdag, januari 06, 2004

I'm trying to turn my life back to daylife again...

During the holidays I somehow managed to turn around my sleepinghabits.... reading until 3 or 4 am and sleeping until 2 pm. NO MORE of that now... this week I have to go up at 5.30 am several mornings.... Thank God for my friend Mari, we're trying to turn around the clock together... I will now call her and we'll talk for half an hour (I have to set a timer.... *smiles*), already in bed and lights out.... and then hopefully we'll enter dreamland...
Sweet dreams to you all!!

#2 Sussi, se upp by Jenny Hughes

This is a book that my 13-year-old sister gave me to BookCross, thought I could just as well read it before I release it... she is crazy about horses (as I were in her age...) but this one was not in her style.... Still, it's an ordinary juvenile suspense book with a horse theme, a quick read and fairly amusing... Just the kind of thing when you don't want to be bound up several hours (eh... days) with a book under your nose....

måndag, januari 05, 2004

#1 First Book read this year - The Oath by Frank Peretti

I have read better Perettibooks (or maybe I was younger then.... *smiles*), how can I describe his genre??? Hm, Christian Thriller kind-of.... Was a non-stop read, gave me some thoughts - like: My choices in life does count... - and now it is soon on it's way to The States...

My BookCrossing New Years Resolution - follow it here on my blog...

So my goal this year is to read 100 books (shouldn't be any problem) and to make 50 truly wild releases.... I will keep track on my progress here. (And yes I have some non-BXing resolutions too, I might tell ya all about them later...)


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