söndag, oktober 03, 2004

On the Links Side

Apartment Therapy has as usual found some quite interesting stuff, I just love the Zip Rugs, how versatile and fun. The Man Pillow looks very cosy.

I have put del.icio.us in a rss-feed on my newsreader, very handy, I do find so many useful and also fun things. Here is a selection: The No-Contact Jacket, The Checker Shadow Illusion, The Best Photoshop CS book (I love it!!) and some new stuff on procrastination.
The first one is an article "Overcoming Procrastination" and the second a site "43 Folders" that writes some stuff about David Allens book "Getting Things Done" (on my wishlist).

I also found something I don't know wether to put up here or not, but being a Swede grown up with all the "disgusting thoughts" of Strindberg (we had to read him at school) I do find this quite funny despite misery, depression and profanities. The Helium character is quite sweet.

To continue with sad stuff, I popped into Fotolog after a long absence and they seem to have major financial problems, this is a great site and it would be sad if they had to give it all up. Maybe it would be better to charge a small sum from each fotologger? What do you think?

Now we all need to be cheered up..... so I'll direct you to the FROGLAND, the place where you'll find out all about my favourite animal....

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