lördag, juni 05, 2004

An update on the 100-books-read-this-year-BookCrossing-resolution...

In march I had read the following books, I have read so many more since then, not having the time to write about them, I will therefore list and number as many as I can remember, linking to BookCrossing whenever it is possible and comment something about the rest. Just to get myself back on the track:

# 12 "Hjärta i fara" (Dear Maggie)by Brenda Novak more...
A Harlequin-style *blush* mystery I got from a friend to release, had to read it first though ;-) Straightforward, easy read and quite charming... Internet plays a main role in the book.
# 11 "En god människa" (How to be Good)by Nick Hornby more...
As usual I enjoy Hornby's books...
# 10 "Mord är lätt" (Murder is Easy)by Agatha Christie more...
A classic Christie - no further comments
# 9 "Ett mord annonseras" (A Murder is Announced)by Agatha Christie more...
# 8 "The DaVinci Code" by Dan Brown more...

# 7 "The Dice Man" by Luke Rhineheart more...

# 6 "Uncatalogued: A Booklover's Mystery" by Julie Kaewert more...

# 5 "Bo med färger - din egen färgguide" by Bjorn Reinhardtsen/ Agnes Skarholt
A book that teaches you how to mix and match colours in your home, I learned quite a lot about the Colour-circle etc..

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